My husband and I are both scientists working in the Boston area. During the day, we try hard to solve problems in biology and cure human diseases in the laboratory.
When we think of the next generation, we realized the fundamental way to advance science is to cultivate our curiosity through education.
Science education should be easy to obtain for everyone. A good tool to guide you through the amazing beauty of the microscopic world is a good beginning. We are passionate about science and put our enthusiasm into our product and our content online.
Our mission is to provide good quality educational content and scientific kits without costing you lots of money. We want to help you and our next young generation explore the beauty of the tiny world with clear instruction!
A picture is more than a thousand words. You will find that we used many pictures, images, cartoon illustrations, and diagrams to explain scientific facts and principles.
Have a wonderful scientific journey with us. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
ps. you can contact me here.